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Swamp Mats - 7.5' L x 14' W



Our Swamp Mats are heavy-duty HDPE composite mats that support the heaviest loads over very tough terrain. These mats are made for high traffic work sites where heavy equipment will be used. They create strong, stable, and non-shifting work platforms or temporary access roads. The mats have overlapping flanges with an interlocking design and a secure connection system. They are semi-buoyoant, providing a reliable support for heavy equipment in muddy, swamp like conditions. The swamp mats have an estimated lifespan of 10+ years. They can be easily cleaned, stored and transported to numerous jobs.

For MegaDeck installations, the manufacturer recommends using 8 Megadeck pins per mat.

Minimum Order: 5 Mats


Brand: MegaDeck HD+

Dimensions: 7.5' L x 14' W x 4" H (105 SF)

HDPE with special impact modifiers and fillers to accommodate thermal
expansion, incorporate UV resistance, and add anti-static properties.

Weight: 1,025 lbs

Weight Loading: 600 psi (86,400 lbs per sq ft)

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        $  Volume Pricing on Large Orders

       ❔ Questions? Call (800) 583-4891


  • Superior Weight-Bearing Capacity: MegaDeck HD+ composite mats have a weight-bearing capacity of up to 600 psi / 86,400 lbs. per sq. ft.
  • Strong Support Structure: Cross-ribbed interior distributes weight across the entire panel. These mats are not intended for bridging.
  • Maximum Shipping Efficiency: MegaDeck HD+ mats are properly sized to easily ship 40 mats in standard ISO containers and flatbed trailers.
  • Easy Cleaning: The mats can be cleaned using a high-powered pressure washer. Most commercial cleaning agents will not damage the surface, but consideration should be given to environmental concerns.
  • Flammability Resistance: UL-94 HB Rating.
  • Non-Conductive: Composite materials are inert, providing a non-conductive safe working platform.
  • Better than Wood: Unlike plywood, MegaDeck HD+ will not warp, rot, crack, or delaminate, and contains no unsafe chemicals.


✔  All items ship for free

☏  Call: (800) 583-4891 for pricing and shipping questions.

Shipping estimates shown on the map pertain to this specific product only. Orders typically ship within 1 business day if the order is placed before 2PM Eastern Time. Transit times displayed in the map are listed in business days, and are approximate. The day that the order is shipped is not counted as a transit day.


Questions about our this product? Visit our FAQ section here.

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MegaDeck MDX Pin
MegaDeck MDX Pin
MegaDeck MDX Pin
MegaDeck MDX Pin

MegaDeck MDX Pin

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MegaDeck HD Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W
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MegaDeck HD Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W
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MegaDeck HD Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W

MegaDeck HD Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W

MegaDeck HD+ Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W
MegaDeck HD+ Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W
MegaDeck HD+ Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W
MegaDeck HD+ Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W
MegaDeck HD+ Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W
MegaDeck HD+ Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W

MegaDeck HD+ Mat - Heavy Duty - 7.5' L x 14' W

MegaDeck S2 Pin
MegaDeck S2 Pin

MegaDeck S2 Pin

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Understanding The Rules And Regulations For Construction On Or Near Wetlands

About Wetlands

Anyone who has worked in construction knows there are rules and regulations that you must abide by whether it's a new site or expanding on a site that is already in the works. Also, there are rules and regulations for specific areas being developed due to their natural sensitivities such as wetlands. Wetlands are very valuable to wildlife as well as certain species of plants and in some cases, for humans living in the area. Wetlands work as a filter for water flowing into other bodies of water as well as groundwater. Wetlands will buffer storm conditions by soaking up heavy rain or rising water to stop flooding and erosion.

Getting permits for wetlands can be a drawn-out process that can take several months, and larger projects can take much longer than that. If you believe a wetland is near your project or site, contact an environmental consultant to visit the site to prevent as many delays as possible and make sure your project is not harmed.

To contact a good environmental consultant, your local Corp of Engineers website should have a list of consultants for wetlands that are in your area. If you are located in the Midwest, contact Environmental Works Inc. (EWI). They offer in-house wetland scientists with many years of experience to help you out. You can call EWI at 877-827-9500 or contact them online by clicking here.

Before contacting a consultant, read the information below to find out:
• How to identify a wetland
• Find out if the wetland is jurisdictional
• What you need to do if you are planning on construction near a wetland.

Measuring Water Depth

Man Measuring Water Depth in Marsh

Wetland Protections

The EPA or Environmental Protection Agency has protection programs in place to protect wetlands throughout the United States. These programs include Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers & Harbors Act which are often referred to as Section 10/404 permits. Section 401 of the Clean Water Act gives states the authority to issue a Water Certification for any project requiring a federal permit to guarantee the project will not violate state water quality standards.

Wetlands are areas that are saturated by groundwater on a regular basis to support vegetation that thrives in these conditions. Wetlands include marshes, swamps, bogs, and other similar conditions.

How to Know if an Area is Classified as a Wetland Before Construction Begins?

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service offers a Wetlands Mapper which is a good screening tool but cannot confirm whether a particular area is a wetland but is a good place to start from.

Wetlands Survey - This can be requested by a regulator if the site is near a body of water. You may hire an experienced environmental consultant to carry out the survey. These consultants are trained in identifying plants that prefer wet, saturated soil versus dry soils. They offer software and equipment to determine if a particular soil is saturated for a certain period of time throughout the year.

For an area to be classified as a wetland, it must have the following characteristics:

Hydrophytic Vegetation are plants that have their roots planted in wet soil.

Hydric Soil is saturated for a long time during the growing season

Wetland Hydrology is areas that reveal long periods of saturation such as mud cracks, water tables, drainage patterns, and crayfish burrows.

Sunset in Wetland

Wetland Sunset

Jurisdictional Wetland

For states or the federal government to have authority over wetlands it must have “relatively permanent” connectivity to navigable waters of the United States (WOTUS). This has become a hot subject as of late with many changes taking place within the legislature. The wetland does not have to connect directly, it can be adjacent to a small flowing creek that joins up with a large body of water downstream.

There are isolated wetlands that do not have connections to waters such as pasture ponds, lagoons, or sinkholes but are not considered jurisdictional. Also, man-made ditches are not regulated unless they are used as creeks or streams and have been improved for drainage by urbanization. Agricultural lands including crawfish ponds, rice fields, or cranberry bogs are not jurisdictional wetlands.

If your consultant has determined the wetland is jurisdictional, you can hire the company to complete a wetland delineation so the consultant can identify and mark the edges of the wetland with survey stakes or flags, GPS or both depending on regulatory requirements in your area. They will provide you with a report that can be submitted to the U.S. Corps of Engineers (USACE) and to the local state governing authorities.

Walkway Over Marsh

Walkway Over Swamp

Planning Construction Near A Jurisdictional Wetland

You will not need a Section 10/404 permit from the state or USACE if your project will not disturb the wetland. That said, your Strormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SW-ppp) is required for a land disturbance permit which should include BMPs or best management practices to prevent work from impacting the wetland.

If the project affects a very small portion of the wetland, a permit will still be required. There are general permits such as those offered by Louisiana as well as Nationwide Permits to speed up the permitting process\ if the project affects less than several acres or linear feet of the body of water or wetland.


If impacts cannot be avoided, you can include plans to mitigate those impacts in your permit. In existing wetlands, you can include plans to reduce those issues in your permit. You can build a new wetland somewhere on the property or a nearby property that is in the same watershed, or better yet, buy credits with a mitigation bank.

To determine the size and kind of mitigation, you will have to coordinate with your regulatory project manager to confirm the present wetland and assign a value to it. This will guarantee the mitigation project is equal to or greater in value than the wetland that was destroyed.

In Conclusion

As discussed, wetlands are very valuable natural environments serving to help wildlife and the environment. Permits are in place to guarantee these bodies of water will remain safe and unharmed by humans.